In the heart of New England, where history and tradition intertwine with innovation and discovery, lies a hidden gem for those pursuing advanced studies in the realm of the human mind and behavior – Rhode Island. The smallest state in the U.S. commands a grand presence in the field of psychology with its world-class doctorate programs. From the rolling waves of its coastline to the academic bastions of its cities, Rhode Island houses a vibrant community of scholars, researchers, and clinicians, molding the future of psychological science. This article delves into the depth and breadth of doctorate programs in psychology in Rhode Island, unearthing the opportunities and experiences that await the intrepid seeker of knowledge in this fascinating field. Embark on this journey with us and explore the possibilities that could redefine your career and get you to become a licensed Psychologist in Rhode Island.
In addition to the diverse Ph.D. programs, Rhode Island also presents a range of Master’s programs in the field of psychology. These Master’s programs provide students with the opportunity to further specialize in their area of interest and gain advanced knowledge and skills.
Doctorate in General Psychology
Brown University: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology

Located in the bustling city of Providence, Brown University is a prestigious Ivy League institution renowned for its innovative research and academic excellence. The Ph.D. in Psychology program at Brown focuses on cultivating a deep understanding of psychological phenomena, equipping students with the necessary tools and methodologies for cutting-edge research. The program offers several areas of concentration, including Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences. Brown University is regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).
University of Rhode Island: Ph.D. in Psychology

Situated in the picturesque town of Kingston, the University of Rhode Island (URI) offers a diverse and collaborative environment for students pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology. The program emphasizes a strong foundation in theory, research, and practice across a spectrum of psychological disciplines, fostering a well-rounded scholarly perspective. Students can specialize in areas such as Behavioral Science, School Psychology, or Clinical Psychology. URI is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
University of Rhode Island: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology

Nestled in the tranquil settings of Kingston, the University of Rhode Island offers a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology that is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). The program melds rigorous academic instruction with intensive clinical training, preparing students for a career in professional psychological service and research. The curriculum is steeped in a scientist-practitioner model, fostering a balance between research, theory, and practice.
Click here for Masters in Clinical Psychology programs in the state of Rhode Island.
Doctorate in Behavioral Psychology
University of Rhode Island: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Behavioral Science

In the quaint town of Kingston, the University of Rhode Island offers a unique Ph.D. program in Behavioral Science. This interdisciplinary program invites students to explore the intersection of psychology, public health, and community health behaviors. It promotes the development of research methods and analytical skills necessary to investigate behavioral, social, and environmental factors influencing health. The University of Rhode Island is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).
Doctorate in Child Psychology
University of Rhode Island: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology with a focus on Child and Adolescent Psychology

Located in Kingston, the University of Rhode Island offers a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology that provides an opportunity for students to focus on child and adolescent psychology. This emphasis allows students to engage in extensive research and clinical work geared toward understanding and addressing psychological issues in children and adolescents. The program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Brown University: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology with a focus on Child and Adolescent Psychology

In Providence, the esteemed Ivy League institution, Brown University offers a Ph.D. program in Clinical Psychology that allows students to specialize in child and adolescent psychology. This focus gives students the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in developmental psychopathology and to gain clinical experience working with young populations. The program, part of Brown’s Clinical Psychology Training Consortium, is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Doctorate in Developmental Psychology
University of Rhode Island: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology with a focus on Developmental Science

Situated in the charming town of Kingston, the University of Rhode Island offers a Ph.D. program in Psychology with a focus on Developmental Science. This program encourages students to examine the complexities of human development across the lifespan, exploring how biological, cognitive, emotional, and social processes evolve and interact over time. While not a standalone developmental psychology program, this emphasis allows students to delve into developmental aspects. The University of Rhode Island is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).
Doctorate in ABA/Behavioral Analysis
University of Rhode Island: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology with a focus on Behavior Analysis

Situated in the tranquil town of Kingston, the University of Rhode Island offers a Ph.D. program in Psychology with a focus on Behavior Analysis. This program provides an intensive, research-based curriculum in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). It is designed to prepare students for academic, research, and professional careers in behavior analysis and related fields. The University of Rhode Island is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).