Types of Psychologists

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Updated on July 12, 2023
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Psychology, the scientific study of the mind and behavior, encompasses a vast array of specializations that delve into the intricate workings of the human psyche. From understanding the complexities of human cognition to unraveling the mysteries of social behavior, psychologists play a crucial role in unraveling the depths of our minds. In the United States, a diverse range of professionals are dedicated to various branches of psychology, each equipped with unique expertise to address specific aspects of human behavior and mental processes.

Statistics shed light on the significant growth and impact of psychology as a field. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), there were over 181,000 active psychologists in the United States in 2021, indicating the expanding influence of this profession. Furthermore, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the employment of psychologists is projected to grow at a faster-as-average rate of 6% from 2021 to 2031.

In this comprehensive article, we will embark on a captivating journey through the diverse types of psychologists in the United States. So, join us on this enlightening journey as we navigate the multifaceted landscape of psychology and explore the fascinating world of various types of psychologists in the United States.

Analytical Psychologist

Analytical psychologists delve into the realm of the unconscious mind, focusing on the exploration of individuals’ dreams, symbols, and archetypes. Through a process known as analytical psychology, they help individuals gain insight into their unconscious motivations, facilitating personal growth and self-awareness.

Animal Psychologist

Animal psychologists specialize in understanding the behavior and cognitive processes of non-human animals. They apply psychological principles to study animal behavior, communication, learning, and social interactions, contributing to fields such as animal welfare, conservation, and ethology.

Applied Psychologist

Applied psychologists utilize psychological theories and techniques to address real-world issues. They work in various settings, such as schools, organizations, and healthcare facilities, applying their expertise to improve mental health, enhance performance, promote well-being, and facilitate behavior change.

Aviation Psychologist

Aviation psychologists focus on the psychological factors that impact pilots, aircrew, and aviation personnel. They contribute to the development of selection processes, training programs, and safety measures to enhance performance, decision-making, and crew coordination in the aviation industry.

Behavioral Psychologist

Behavioral psychologists study how behaviors are acquired and modified through conditioning and reinforcement. They apply principles of behaviorism to promote positive changes in individuals’ behaviors, address behavioral disorders, and develop effective interventions based on observable actions.


Biopsychologists explore the intricate connection between biology and behavior. They investigate how the brain, nervous system, and genetics influence human thoughts, emotions, and actions. Their research contributes to our understanding of mental disorders, cognitive processes, and the neurobiological basis of behavior.

Business Psychologist

Business psychologists apply psychological principles in the workplace to enhance organizational performance, employee well-being, and leadership effectiveness. They offer expertise in areas such as talent management, organizational behavior, assessment and selection, and workplace dynamics.

Child Psychologist

Child psychologists specialize in assessing and treating the psychological, emotional, and developmental needs of children and adolescents. They address issues such as learning disabilities, behavioral problems, social difficulties, and mental health disorders, providing support and interventions tailored to young individuals.

Christian Psychologist

Christian psychologists integrate psychological principles with Christian faith and values. They offer counseling, therapy, and support to individuals seeking psychological assistance within a Christian framework, incorporating spiritual beliefs into the therapeutic process.

Clinical Psychologist

Clinical psychologists diagnose and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. They utilize evidence-based therapies, conduct assessments, and provide psychotherapy to individuals of all ages. Clinical psychologists work in various settings, including hospitals, private practice, and mental health clinics, playing a vital role in promoting mental well-being.

Cognitive Psychologist

Cognitive psychologists study mental processes such as thinking, memory, perception, and problem-solving. They investigate how individuals acquire, process, and store information, contributing to our understanding of cognitive abilities, decision-making, and human intelligence.

Community Psychologist

Community psychologists focus on understanding and improving the well-being of individuals within their social and cultural contexts. They collaborate with communities to address issues such as social justice, community development, mental health promotion, and the prevention of social problems.

Consulting Psychologist

Consulting psychologists offer their expertise to organizations and individuals to solve problems, enhance performance, and optimize workplace dynamics. They provide assessment, coaching, and strategic interventions to help organizations improve leadership, teamwork, and employee satisfaction.

Consumer Psychologist

Consumer psychologists examine the psychological processes and behaviors that influence consumer choices and preferences. They apply their understanding of consumer behavior to assist businesses in marketing strategies, product development, and understanding consumer motivations.

Correctional Psychologist

Correctional psychologists work within the criminal justice system, focusing on the psychological assessment and treatment of individuals involved in correctional facilities. They address mental health issues, promote rehabilitation, and develop intervention programs to reduce recidivism.

Counseling Psychologist

Counseling psychologists provide psychotherapy and support to individuals facing various life challenges, such as relationship issues, career transitions, and mental health concerns. They assist clients in developing coping strategies, improving self-esteem, and enhancing overall well-being.

Criminal Psychologist

Criminal psychologists apply psychological principles to understand and analyze criminal behavior. They contribute to criminal investigations, profiling, and risk assessment, aiding in the development of crime prevention strategies and the rehabilitation of offenders.

Design Psychologist

Design psychologists study the interaction between individuals and their physical environments, focusing on how design elements influence human behavior, emotions, and well-being. They apply psychological insights to enhance user experiences, product design, and the creation of inclusive environments.

Developmental Psychologist

Developmental psychologists study human development across the lifespan, focusing on physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes. They explore factors that influence development, such as genetics, environment, and culture, and apply their knowledge to promote healthy development and address developmental challenges.


Ecopsychologists examine the relationship between humans and the natural environment, emphasizing the impact of nature on mental health and well-being. They promote a deeper understanding of the psychological connection between individuals and nature, fostering eco-awareness and sustainable practices.

Educational Psychologist

Educational psychologists apply psychological principles to enhance learning, instruction, and educational systems. They assess cognitive and emotional factors that influence academic performance, develop interventions for diverse learners, and contribute to the improvement of educational policies and practices.

EMDR Psychologist

EMDR psychologists are trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a specialized approach for treating trauma and distressing life experiences. They utilize EMDR techniques to facilitate the natural healing process of the brain, addressing conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Engineering Psychologist

Engineering psychologists apply psychological principles to optimize the interaction between humans and technology. They focus on designing user-friendly systems, improving human-computer interfaces, and enhancing safety and performance in various engineering domains.

Environmental Psychologist

Environmental psychologists study the relationship between individuals and their physical environments, exploring how the environment affects behavior, well-being, and sustainability. They investigate topics such as the impact of natural settings on stress reduction and the influence of built environments on human behavior.

Existential Psychologist

Existential psychologists explore the unique human experience, focusing on themes of meaning, purpose, and personal freedom. They examine individuals’ subjective experiences, values, and beliefs, and help clients navigate existential dilemmas and find personal fulfillment.

Experimental Psychologist

Experimental psychologists utilize scientific methods to investigate various aspects of human behavior and mental processes. They design and conduct experiments to understand topics such as perception, memory, learning, motivation, and social behavior, contributing to the advancement of psychological knowledge.

Family Psychologist

Family psychologists specialize in working with families to address relational dynamics, communication patterns, and family functioning. They offer therapy and support to improve family relationships, resolve conflicts, and enhance overall family well-being.

Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychologists apply psychological principles to legal and criminal justice settings. They assess individuals involved in legal proceedings, conduct evaluations, provide expert testimony, and contribute to understanding the psychological factors relevant to criminal behavior and the legal system.

General Psychologist

Geropsychologists are licensed psychologists who specialize in understanding and assisting older individuals and their families in maintaining well-being, overcoming challenges, and reaching their full potential during later life. They bring expertise in adult development and aging, behavioral and mental health in late life, geropsychological assessment, intervention, and consultation. Common mental health issues addressed by geropsychologists include depression, anxiety, dementia, coping with chronic illness, grief, family conflicts, and end-of-life care.


Geropsychologists specialize in the psychological assessment and treatment of older adults. They address age-related issues, including cognitive decline, caregiving, end-of-life concerns, and mental health conditions commonly associated with aging.

Health Psychologist

Health psychologists focus on the intersection of psychology and health, studying how psychological factors impact physical well-being. They promote healthy behaviors, help individuals cope with chronic illnesses, and contribute to the development of effective healthcare interventions.

Hospital Psychologist

Hospital psychologists work within healthcare settings, providing psychological services to patients, families, and healthcare professionals. They assist in managing the psychological aspects of medical conditions, offer support during hospitalization, and facilitate coping and adjustment to medical treatments.

Human Factors Psychologist

Human factors psychologists study the interaction between humans and technology or systems to optimize usability, safety, and user experience. They apply principles of psychology to design and improve products, interfaces, and work environments, considering human capabilities and limitations.

Humanistic Psychologist

Humanistic psychologists emphasize personal growth, self-actualization, and the inherent value and potential of individuals. They focus on subjective experiences, self-awareness, and the promotion of well-being, offering client-centered therapy and fostering self-discovery and personal empowerment.

Industrial Organizational Psychologist

Industrial organizational psychologists apply psychological principles to improve workplace productivity, employee well-being, and organizational effectiveness. They address topics such as personnel selection, training and development, leadership, and work-life balance to optimize individual and organizational performance.

Marriage Psychologist

Marriage psychologists specialize in working with couples to address relationship issues, communication challenges, and marital satisfaction. They provide counseling and therapy to help couples strengthen their bond, resolve conflicts, and foster healthy and fulfilling partnerships.

Military Psychologist

Military psychologists support the mental health and well-being of military personnel and their families. They address issues such as combat stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), deployment-related challenges, and transition to civilian life, offering therapy, assessment, and resilience-building interventions.

Music Psychologist

Music psychologists study the psychological aspects of music, exploring how it influences emotions, cognition, and behavior. They investigate topics such as music perception, performance, therapy, and the impact of music on mood regulation and psychological well-being.


Neuropsychologists specialize in assessing and treating individuals with brain injuries, neurological disorders, or cognitive impairments. They use specialized tests to evaluate cognitive functions, provide rehabilitation strategies, and contribute to understanding the relationship between the brain and behavior.

Nutritional Psychologist

Nutritional psychologists examine the interplay between nutrition and psychological well-being. They study how diet and nutritional factors impact mental health, mood, and cognitive functioning, and provide guidance and interventions to promote healthy eating habits and improve overall well-being.

Pain Psychologist

Pain psychologists focus on the assessment and management of chronic pain conditions. They help individuals cope with pain, address the psychological factors that influence pain perception and management, and provide strategies for pain self-management and rehabilitation.

Pediatric Psychologist

Pediatric psychologists specialize in working with children and adolescents, addressing their mental health, emotional, and behavioral needs. They provide assessment, therapy, and support for a range of issues, such as developmental disorders, anxiety, trauma, and adjustment difficulties.

Psychometric Psychologist

Psychometric psychologists specialize in the design, development, and evaluation of psychological tests and measurement tools. They ensure the reliability and validity of assessments used in various fields, such as education, clinical practice, and research, to gather accurate and meaningful data about individuals’ psychological characteristics.

Quantitative Psychologist

Quantitative psychologists focus on the application of statistical and mathematical methods to analyze and interpret psychological data. They develop and utilize advanced statistical models to examine relationships, patterns, and trends, contributing to the field’s understanding of human behavior and informing evidence-based decision-making.

Rehabilitation Psychologist

Rehabilitation psychologists work with individuals who have experienced physical, cognitive, or emotional disabilities. They provide assessment, therapy, and support to help individuals regain independence, enhance their quality of life, and effectively cope with challenges associated with their disabilities.

Research Psychologist

Research psychologists contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field through scientific investigation and empirical studies. They design and conduct research projects, collect and analyze data, and publish their findings to expand understanding in various areas of psychology, such as cognition, perception, or social behavior.

School Psychologist

School psychologists support the academic, social, and emotional development of students in educational settings. They assess and address students’ learning and behavioral challenges, collaborate with educators and parents to develop intervention strategies and promote positive school environments to facilitate optimal learning outcomes.

Social Psychologist

Social psychologists study how individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social interactions and group dynamics. They investigate topics such as social cognition, attitudes, conformity, prejudice, and interpersonal relationships to better understand human behavior within social contexts.

Sports Psychologist

Sports psychologists work with athletes, coaches, and sports teams to enhance performance, mental resilience, and overall well-being in the realm of sports and athletics. They employ techniques such as goal setting, visualization, and stress management to optimize athletes’ mindset, focus, and motivation.

Transpersonal Psychologist

Transpersonal psychologists explore the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience, integrating psychological perspectives with insights from mysticism, mindfulness, and transformative practices. They investigate topics such as consciousness, self-identity, peak experiences, and the pursuit of meaning and purpose.

Vocational Psychologist

Vocational psychologists assist individuals in making informed career choices and maximizing their occupational potential. They assess individuals’ interests, aptitudes, and values, provide career counseling and guidance, and help individuals navigate career transitions, job satisfaction, and work-life balance.

Personality Psychologist

Personality psychologists study the unique patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that shape individuals’ characteristic traits and dispositions. They employ various assessment techniques to explore personality traits, such as the Big Five traits (e.g., extraversion, neuroticism), and investigate how personality influences behavior, relationships, and overall well-being.

Personnel Psychologist

Personnel psychologists specialize in the selection, placement, and development of employees within organizations. They design and implement assessment tools, such as interviews and tests, to evaluate job candidates’ qualifications, conduct job analyses to match individuals with appropriate roles and provide training and development programs to enhance employee performance.

Political Psychologist

Political psychologists examine the psychological factors underlying political behavior and decision-making. They explore topics such as political attitudes, ideology, leadership, and group dynamics to better understand how psychological processes shape political opinions, voting behavior, and the functioning of political systems.

Positive Psychologist

Positive psychologists focus on the scientific study of human strengths, well-being, and optimal functioning. They investigate topics such as happiness, gratitude, resilience, and character strengths to promote individuals’ psychological well-being, enhance life satisfaction, and foster positive relationships and experiences.

Psychodynamic Psychologist

Psychodynamic psychologists utilize theories and concepts from psychoanalysis to explore unconscious processes, early childhood experiences, and the role of the unconscious mind in shaping behavior. They employ techniques such as free association and interpretation to help individuals gain insight into their emotions, motivations, and interpersonal patterns.

Final Thoughts

The field of psychology encompasses a wide range of specializations, each with its unique focus and application. Psychologists strive to enhance individuals’ well-being and improve the functioning of organizations and communities and advance our understanding of the complex human mind by applying scientific principles and psychological theories.

As our society continues to evolve and face new challenges, the knowledge and expertise of psychologists become increasingly relevant. Through their research, assessment, intervention, and advocacy, psychologists contribute to the betterment of individuals, families, workplaces, and society as a whole